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Project: boost
Link: http://boost.codepad.org/Fy2vP73l    [ raw code | output | fork ]

C++, pasted on Dec 5:
#include <cassert>
#include <boost/gil/gil_all.hpp>

namespace gil = boost::gil;

// Our objective here is simple -- write a generic algorithm 
// that set the red channel to max. Let's assume 8-bit depth for now.

// This only works for rgb8, bgr8
// This feels cleaner than the for_each_pixel approach below 
// Question: I wonder if there's a way to make this work?
template <typename SrcView>
void boost_red(const SrcView & view)
	typedef gil::nth_channel_view_type<SrcView>::type NView;

	// XXX This will incorrectly overwrite the alpha channel 
    // instead of the red channel if SrcView is something
    // like argb8_view_t
	NView nview = gil::nth_channel_view(view, 0);
	gil::fill_pixels(nview, NView::value_type(255));

// Alternative implementation with get_color()
// This works for argb8, rgb8, bgr8, etc.
template <typename SrcView>
void boost_red_with_get_color(const SrcView & view)
    gil::for_each_pixel(view, [](SrcView::value_type & p)
        gil::get_color(p, gil::red_t()) = 255;

int main()
	// XXX This compiles (MSVC10 and G++ 4.5.1), why?
	gil::gil_function_requires<gil::ImageViewConcept<int> >();

		gil::rgb8_image_t img(1, 1);
		gil::rgb8_view_t view = gil::view(img);
		gil::fill_pixels(view, gil::rgb8_pixel_t(0, 0, 0));


		assert((view.pixels()[0] == gil::rgb8_pixel_t(255, 0, 0)));

		gil::argb8_image_t img(1, 1);
		gil::argb8_view_t view = gil::view(img);
		gil::fill_pixels(view, gil::argb8_pixel_t(255, 0, 0, 0));

        // Doesn't work -- boost_red will overwrite the alpha channel

		// ka-boom!
		assert((view.pixels()[0] == gil::argb8_pixel_t(255, 255, 0, 0)));

	return 0;

Line 32: error: boost/gil/gil_all.hpp: No such file or directory
Line 4: error: 'gil' is not a namespace-name
compilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors.

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